Hi Guys👋,
As always, it's a pleasure to keep you updated on the latest improvements our team has been working on to enhance your experience.
What's new 🚀,
My-Account with Custom Integration - By default, we provide the standard integration of the editor for clients with custom-built sites. If these clients require additional features, such as My-Account functionality, they would typically need to write custom code. However, we've taken the initiative to develop the full code for the Saved Projects section on the My-Account page for users with custom integrations. This enables them to offer users the ability to save projects to their account page without the need for extensive development work. The code can be accessed through the following link:
Admin AI prompts -Previously, customers could only use prompts that they added themselves, and the default prompts were mostly generic. We’ve now empowered the Admin to add predefined prompts, which will be made available to the customer. You can add your own prompts in the settings under the Custom Javascript section by utilizing the following code:
window.PPCLIENT.aiPrompts = ['','','']
Each prompt needs to appear in Quotation marks, and needs to be seperated by a comma as shown in the code above. Please view an example below:

AI and Remove BG translations - This feature has been long overdue, and we’re pleased to announce that it’s finally here! As promised, we’ve added parameters for each item in both AI and Remove BG. You can now easily translate the text into your preferred language using these parameters.
Please note that we only update the English (EN) language file. To implement the translations, you'll need to copy the items from the EN file and add them to the langEdits
code, as outlined in the translation document.
To enable the new translations, simply visit https://admin.pitchprint.com/layouts and reload the latest version. See the instructions below:

We also fixed the following bugs:
Page Loader and Template color module - Previously, when the Template Color module was enabled alongside the Page Loader module, the selected colors were not applied to newly added pages through the Page Loader module. We have resolved this issue, and now, all new pages added to a design will automatically reflect the current color selection from the Template Color module.
That’s all for this week, everyone. We’ll be back next time with exciting new features and bug fixes. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, from the PitchPrint Team🤗