Release WK23-22

Hi allπŸ‘‹,

As always we're excited to keep you up to date with what our team has been working on to make your experience on PitchPrint even better.

What's newπŸš€,

Cart Preview and Save for Later on BigCommerce and WIX - The cart preview feature is now available on BigCommerce and WIX. Now our customers on these frameworks will able to preview their customized design as a thumbnail in the cart. Additionally, we've added the amazing save for later feature which will enable the end user to save their designs to their respective accounts and be able to edit them at a later stage. To enable save for later please follow these simple steps below:

Go to settings >>> scroll down to Enable Save for Later - use the toggle switch to enable the feature and save your changes. Refresh your product page on your website to see the changes.

Save for later button on your website inside PitchPrint
N.B If the saved orders are not showing on WIX please add the following code snippet window.PPCLIENT.customAccountDivSel to the custom Javascript section shown below this can be found in settings, paste the code and save. Alternatively, contact us on and we will gladly assist.
Paste the code snippet in the text field on the left and save your changes.

Products search on EKM - Previously, PitchPrint only allowed up to 20 products per tab to be displayed at a time and the admin user would have to move between tabs to display more designs. This initial approach however, was proving not to be the best user experience especially for some of our customers with multiple products. We've now added this amazing feature on the EKM platform which allows the admin user to search for their products and display them with ease. A more efficient approach for our valued customers.

Multi shopId in Webhooks - We've also recently added another great feature which adds the shopId to the project data that gets dispatched via webhooks. If you have webhooks enabled and you receive data from it, now the shopId will be one of the parameters inside the data you will receive from PitchPrint.

Well that's it for this week but do check our new Tutorial Videos on the admin panel by opening the following tab We've added quite a few how to videos and we will also be uploading our Modules video in the upcoming week to assist all of our valuable customers on how to manoeuvre around our platform, content covered on the videos from settings to creating designs, editor elements etc. with practical examples, so please do keep an eye out!

Have a lovely week from the PitchPrint team!😊