Release WK36-22

Hi AllπŸ‘‹,

As always we're excited to keep you up to date with what our team has been working on to make your experience on PitchPrint even better.

What's newπŸš€,

ProjectId on BigCommerce Orders - We've added the PitchPrint projectId to all BigCommerce orders on PitchPrint admin. This awesome feature will assist the admin user in determining exactly which project belongs to which order. It also comes in handy in circumstances where an order contains more than one project, the admin user will know exactly how to differentiate between the different projects within an order.

Retain Cart Image on WordPress - Previously, the cart image on WordPress would automatically update to the customers design. We have now added this amazing feature which allows the admin user the option of choosing not to update the cart image but instead keep the original product page image. Simply delete and reinstall the plugin, clear your cache and the change will be applied accordingly to your site.

BigCommerce Cart Preview and Save for Later - And finally, we have added the customized image on BigCommerce. The admin users now have the option of either choosing to utilise the customized design as the product page image or the keep the original product page image. Additionally, we added the Save for Later functionality on BigCommerce which will allow the end users to Save their designs to their respective accounts and be able to edit them at a later stage with ease.

We also fixed the following issues:

WIX cart preview - Some of our customers had an issue whereby their cart preview image did not update automatically to the customized design but instead the original product page image would display. We have fixed this issue and the customized image will now be shown if this is the option enabled by the admin user.

Design Re-edit on WIX, EKM and Shopify - Lastly, when re-editing a design on Wix, all the resources on that particular account would display instead of only presenting the resources specifically assigned to that particular design. We have also fixed this issue and only resources assigned to a design will be displayed instead of everything.

Well that's it for this week. Please don't forget to check out our tutorial videos which covers the entire admin panel, integrations on all our supported platforms, editor elements and all the hidden gems our plugin has to offer.

Have a good weekend from the PitchPrint team!😊