Hi allπ,
It's always our absolute pleasure to let you know what our team has been working on to make your experience on PitchPrint the best there is!
What's newπ,
Superscript and Subscript - We've added this amazing feature that allows you to convert a text or number element into a superscript or a subscript.
Please have a look at the screenshots below for reference:

Simply highlight the item that you would like to use as a superscript or subscript as shown below:

Once the item is highlighted click on the superscript or subscript buttons to apply the change as shown below:

Please be advised that this action cannot be reversed once the change has been applied. If you would like to undo this effect, then you need to remove the item altogether where the change was applied.
Trim as Bleed - This great feature that was only available on one of our earlier versions, version 9. This feature grants the admin the option of using a bleed line as a Trimbox on the PDF file. We have now rolled it out on our latest version 10 and you can activate this feature via the use of tags. Now if a design contains a bleed line, the admin user simply needs to add a tag on the Page section to apply this feature. Please have a look at the steps below to enable this feature:
Simply head over to the page section and add the trim_as_bleed tag as shown below:

We also fixed the following issues:
BigCommerce Orders API - The way the Orders API worked was that only 50 orders would be displayed at a time inside the orders section on the PitchPrint admin. If the order did not contain a PitchPrint customized design file, unfortunately it wouldn't display at all. We have now added pagination so that Admins could see all their orders and scroll through them with ease. We have also fixed the API so that all orders display irrespective whether a customised file is present or not.
Product Page PDF download on Wordpress - The product page PDF download on Wordpress was using our old PDF distiller engine. We have updated the system and will now use the link of our new PDF distiller.
That's it for this week, be sure to check out our tutorial videos which covers the entire admin panel, installation guides, modules and tags. You can access all our detailed tutorial videos using this quick link here.
Have a great week from the PitchPrint Team!π