Version 10 Release

We know this took us way longer than planned, our apologies. It's finally here, PitchPrint Version 10

What's New 🚀

This is a major release but, it's non-breaking, which means you can easily turn it on or off with a switch in your settings page. Your old designs will work fine with the new version as well as your old projects and configurations.

Version 10 bears a new rendering engine and under the hood, we have re-written the codebase to be more efficient and modular. You will perceive the clear difference between the two versions as shown in this picture:

Version 10 Preview
Version 9 Preview

Control Anchors - In our prior version, the control anchors are clipped along with the canvas. In v10, they extend beyond the canvas and makes for a much better experience.

With items selected, v10 on the left maintains the anchors beyond the canvas area

Fonts - In this new release, fonts are loaded only when the user opens the fonts picker, as against the prior system of loading fonts alongside other elements which in turn delays the app-ready time. Only fonts used in the design are priority-loaded at initialization.

Further more, we added the ability for customers to select and import any Google Font into their projects for use, just like we have in the admin. Custom font upload will be supported in an upcoming minor release.

Customers can now import Google Fonts for use in their projects

Background Mode - Clicking on the canvas sets the stage to a Background Mode with red highlights around the canvas. In this mode, users can change the background image apply a color, set its opacity or outright delete the background, making for a transparent design. For image backgrounds, we now have Fill, Fit, or Stretch position modes

Background Position Mode

A nifty feature we also added, is the ability for customers to "undock" a background image and set it as a regular image on the canvas and vice versa; docking a regular image as a background.

Gradient Colors - Yes, we now have linear gradient colors for background and shapes. We plan on applying this to text elements as well.

Gradient Color Fill

Draw on canvas - We added pen to allow users draw on the canvas. Our ultimate goal with this is to give users the ability to draw any basic shape like lines, rectangles, circles etc. with stroke and fill colors. This is already in the works.

Mobile layouts - Version 10 does not use a separate layout for mobile and desktop. Rather, we used browser CSS to re-architect the same layout to fit mobile screens. With CSS, we can easily implement different mobile layouts without the overhead of managing a plethora of HTML files.

Themes - Version 10 brings a fresh modern styling to PitchPrint, with softer edges, vibrant color system and an overall more appealing app. With this architecture, we will be releasing themes that can be easily applied by customers.

Image Editor - We now have our own image editor baked right into the app. At the moment, it is basic with crop and filters. Admins can later create their own filters and presets that can be easily applied by your customers.

To quickly test version 10 on your store without fully turning it ON,
you can append this to the end of your product page url:

?vx=true - Use this if your url does not contain a question mark
&vx=true - Or this, if it does have a question mark


It's been a wonderful year for us and much thanks to you all for your unwavering support and trusts in our product. We will be taking our holidays break today 13th of December. There will remain skeletal support for critical issues so you can reach us via our regular channels.

We wish you a very great Christmas and a wonderful 2020 ahead 🎄🎅!